17 August 2011

The Search for New Zealand Writers

by Carrie Bailey

Something about kiwi culture makes New Zealand literature hard to put down and harder to forget. If you've been looking for something different or trying to locate a New Zealand author you've read before, the search widget at the end of this post will be of service. The search tool will locate all information designated by the keywords "author" and "writer" in the New Zealand Book Council database. All file types and date ranges are included. Whether you're a writer or a reader looking for inspiration, there is a never ending supply here...

"The New Zealand Writers Files, the most comprehensive collection of information about New Zealand writers on the Internet" and has complied information on over 500 writers... find your next favorite kiwi writer here.

Just type any word below to find authors... try words like "Auckland" or "sheep" to find New Zealand authors that match your interests.

Carrie Bailey writes post apocalyptic novels set in New Zealand. And yes, there are three horned sheep in the stories.


  1. This is cool. I might explore ...

  2. Very cool and worth looking into.


  3. Thanks you guys :) and thanks for the recommendations as well.

  4. My boyfriend, being a kiwi, actually felt the need to search "sheep."
